皮を切らせて肉を切り、肉を切らせて骨を切る Kawa wo kirasete niku wo kiri, niku wo kirasete hone wo kiru.

  • 解釈:実力が同じくらいのとき、自分の方も傷つく覚悟でかからなければ、相手を下すことは難しいという意。本来は、剣道の極意(ごくい)の言葉。
  • Literal:Make the skin cut, cut meat, and make the meat cut, cut a bone.
  • Interpretation:If you do not start with the determination for its direction to also get damaged when ability is the about the same, it is difficult to defeat a rival.
  • 類義:
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.